Accompanying Documents – Humboldt County


5150 MUST BE signed, dated & timed (original always preferred; copy is legally equivalent)

  • Transfer of all medical records related to the emergency medical condition;
  • EMTALA completed transfer form dated and signed with all of the pertinent information as per Federal Guidelines;
  • Patient belongings sent in ambulance;
  • Demographics sheet and insurance when available.

Other Paperwork will depend upon why the person was in the Emergency Room or inpatient part of the hospital. For example, a gunshot wound would require slightly different paperwork than an overdose, and overdose paperwork varies dependent upon what the person took. This additional documentation would consist of specific laboratory tests, x-rays, etc., in order to substantiate that the person is physically stable and that their medical condition is resolving and could otherwise be discharged to home.

It is important to provide Behavioral Health staff as much information as possible along with:

  • The medication reconciliation and current medications;
  • All aftercare needs must include instructions;
  • Any appointments to see another specialist.

Communication between Hospital staff and Humboldt County Behavioral Health staff should occur early-on to obtain diagnosis specific requirements regarding medical clearance.